Tuesday, June 15, 2010


All that Virgil Flowers really wants to be doing is fishing. However, a murder at a nearby resort calls him away from his fishing tournament. A woman has been killed out on the lake. As Virgil investigates, it becomes clear that the motives are quite complicated. The woman was a lesbian, spending time at a resort that caters to women only, especially lesbian woman. Virgil soon finds out that the murdered woman had become involved with a local woman in a band. Several other people seem to have motives, too, including the woman's lover and members of the band leader's family.

I didn't like the last Virgil Flowers book as much but I really liked this one. There were so many possible motives and Virgil stumble bumbles his way around, casually talking to all of the locals and sharing the information he has freely. At times, he seems way to casual in his approach to catching killers but it works for Virgil. I'll be looking forward to the next in the series!

Rating - A-

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