Friday, September 30, 2011


Glen Garber is a good guy who is having a very rough time. The economic situation has definitely taken a toll on his construction business. Then, his wife dies in a terrible car accident. Soon, it is determined that she was very drunk and that she was responsible for the deaths of two people. Glen finds this so out of character for Sheila and he can't help but be angry with her. He also learns that Sheila was mixed up in a very dangerous business arrangement that may end up ruining Glen and his business, not to mention putting his daughter in harm's way.

I was drawn into this book right away. Glen is a very nice guy who is understandably confused and angry. He starts putting together the pieces of the others involved in the scheme. I did have some problems with the ending. I don't mind being surprised by the killer but I really felt there weren't any clues at all. Plus, there was a medical inconsistency that really bothered me. As usual, though, Linwood Barclay's thrillers are quite a ride.

Rating - B+ (would have been an A, except for a serious medical error!)


Joe Pickett is part of the investigation of a terrible scene. An ecoterrorist and his bride are blown up by a cow that was wired to a bomb. When Joe has to tell the rancher whose cattle were involved, the man insists that he be reimbursed and seems to have little concern for the human lives that were lost. Joe is convinced that the rancher is also guilty of poaching but no one seems to want to accuse the wealthy and powerful man. Things get even stranger when Marybeth starts getting calls from the man who was supposed to have been killed in the explosion.

I really enjoyed this episode about Joe Pickett. There is one point where Joe should have sought backup before he went in to a dangerous situation, but that's the way Joe Pickett rolls, right? As usual, C.J. Box makes a good point about the extremes of ecoterrorists and those who have no consideration for the preservation of the earth and wildlife. I have enjoyed slowly making my way through this series.

Rating - A-

Monday, September 26, 2011


Charlie McNally is a 48-year-old investigative reporter who is being pushed by the management of the TV station she works for to come up with a big story for sweeps week. Charlie has been approached by a group for crimminal justice that they believe a woman has been wrongly imprisoned for the death of her husband. There do seem to be certain facts which might lead Charlie to believe they are right but there is one main stumbling block - the woman confessed to the murder. There's another problem, too, the woman refuses to talk to Charlie. It's not going to be easy to get a story out of this mess.

I have been hearing about Hank Phillipi Ryan's stories for quite awhile. I didn't jump in because I absolutely loath reading from small paperbacks. Too much eyestrain. When this book was finally available in large print, I was eager to give it a try. For the most part this was a pretty good read. Charlie and her co-workers and friends are nice and pleasant people. Sometimes, things seemed a little weak but overall, it was a good story and I'll probably try to read the next one before too long.

Rating - B+

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hayden Gonig is the choir director for the Episcopalian church in a small town in North Carolina. He is also the chief of police. When the sector for the church is found dead in the choir loft, it seems that all of Hayden's roles have finally come together. Was it the communion wine that killed the sector or is something more sinister going on? Hayden has his girlfriend, Meg, to help him sort things out but mostly, it's a pretty mixed up mess in this small town where murder is practically unheard of.

There's lots of talk on my various mystery email lists about this series by Mark Schwiezer. I found this book to be lots of fun. Hayden's attempt at writing a novel is exaggerated silliness as Meg frequently points out. Some of the scenes in the church were as funny as anything I think I've ever read. I will certainly by reading another in this series very soon!

Rating - A


Reacher is headed for Virginia after his last narrow escape in South Dakota. He is let out in a small crossroads in Nebraska. It doesn't take long for him to learn that a family named Duncan has everyone in their grips. Everyone is fearful and it has been going on for 25 years since a young girl disappeared. Reacher is the only one who seems committed to finding out the truth and standing up for what's right.

Lee Child has a great, detailed way of telling his Reacher stories. Sometimes the detail can be tedious and boring. This time, it wasn't quite as slow. Reacher is a hero. He searches for the truth no matter what the cost and he leads others to live the kind of life they want to instead of living in fear. I love listening to these books and I know there is a new one out there!

Rating - A-


Cork and his daughter, Jenny, are caught away on an island in the Northwest Angle away from the rest of the family when a huge storm blows through. They are separated and Jenny finds an infant baby whose mother has been murdered. She commits to doing whatever is necessary to save the baby boy. Before long, she realizes that her decision has put her entire family at risk because someone wants the baby and will stop at nothing to get him back.

I love this series by William Kent Krueger and this one started out crazy and never let up. I enjoyed the increased involvement of Cork's children at an older age and I was very happy that Rose was finally married. These are great characters and as usual, Krueger tells a very compelling story that will stay with me for a long time.

Rating - A

Monday, September 5, 2011


Something strange and sinister is going on in Joe Pickett's part of Wyoming. Animals are being mutilated in very strange ways. First it is a moose, later cattle are found, a horse is nearly killed and then, two men are found murdered. A task force is formed and Joe is part of it. He soon realizes that no one really has a clue and he's not buying the theory that birds are part of it. He decides that the only thing he can do is investigate on his own. Joe doesn't believe in supernatural hocus pocus but even he is finding things that just can't easily be explained. Eventually, he realizes that his family is in danger.

I like Joe Pickett. He isn't the typical super confident hero. He has his flaws and he stumbles at times. This book included more of Marybeth and she was also likeable. The mutilations were pretty strange and graphic but overall, I enjoyed this book and I'll continue to read this series.

Rating - A-


Monkeewrench has been contacted by the FBI to help trace down a series of murders that are being filmed and shown on the internet. They are occurring throughout the country and the FBI realizes that only with help can they track down the killers. Of course, Maggozzi and Gino have troubles of their own. One of the online murder films happened in Minneapolis with a bride being drown in the Mississippi. The murders aren't stopping and it is going to take some help from the Monkeewrench gang to figure it out.

I love the Monkeewrench series and hope that P.J. Tracy keeps writing them. The characters are funny and committed to their jobs. I love that Maggozzi and Grace are slowly becoming a couple even though it isn't easy or a smooth path. The introduction of John Smith from the FBI to this series is also very interesting. He is a kind man, near retirement who is discovering that he hasn't really lived. I'll be looking forward to the next installment in the series.

Rating - A