Monday, September 5, 2011


Something strange and sinister is going on in Joe Pickett's part of Wyoming. Animals are being mutilated in very strange ways. First it is a moose, later cattle are found, a horse is nearly killed and then, two men are found murdered. A task force is formed and Joe is part of it. He soon realizes that no one really has a clue and he's not buying the theory that birds are part of it. He decides that the only thing he can do is investigate on his own. Joe doesn't believe in supernatural hocus pocus but even he is finding things that just can't easily be explained. Eventually, he realizes that his family is in danger.

I like Joe Pickett. He isn't the typical super confident hero. He has his flaws and he stumbles at times. This book included more of Marybeth and she was also likeable. The mutilations were pretty strange and graphic but overall, I enjoyed this book and I'll continue to read this series.

Rating - A-

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