Monday, October 31, 2011


Charlie is a semi-retired librarian who is asked to help an elderly gentleman catalog his extensive rare book collection. Unfortunately for Charlie, that means he will be spending time with the man's eccentric and difficult family. Charlie is also surprised when his grown son appears on his doorstep with the announcement that he has quit his job and would like to live with his dad for awhile. It would be fine but Charlie and Sean's relationship has been strained since Sean's mother, Charlie's wife died four years ago. Things get even stickier when the elderly gentleman is found dead in his library and it appears someone has poisoned him.

This happens to be the second in this series by Miranda Bliss which I didn't realize until I was a ways into the book. Overall, I enjoyed the characters and the story was interesting enough. For some reason, I had some problems with the main character. It seemed that the female author didn't ring true in describing Charlie. His thoughts and actions often struck me as somewhat feminine. Sometimes, I have problems with when the main character is of the opposite sex of the author. It could just be me and I'm willing to try another in this series.

Rating - B

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