Saturday, April 12, 2008


Fr. Tim hasn't been home to Holly Springs, Mississippi for over 35 years but he has received an anonymous summons to come home. Tim has his doubt but he feels compelled to go. To his surprise, you really can go home. He soon finds the answers to many questions. What has become of his childhood home, Whitefield? What caused the bitterness and depression that plagued his father for years, making it so hard for him to show love? What happened to Tim's beloved Peggy? What began as a simple trip home ends with so many life-changing ramifications, all told in Jan Karon's wonderful way.

I had devoured all of the Mitford books but I was in no hurry to read this one. I couldn't imagine what Jan Karon would write at the end of the Mitford series. To my surprise, this book was an absolute delight. When you finish a Jan Karon book, it's always hard to describe the action in the plot and yet, so much happens in this quiet real-life way. As usual, the characters of the book are people you would love to have for your own friends. I hear that the next Fr. Tim book will be about his trip to Ireland. I can hardly wait for that one. Jan Karon has made sure that Fr. Tim's life in retirement will be full and rich.

Rating - 5 stars

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