Saturday, April 12, 2008


Dr. Laura Schlessinger is known for telling it like it is to her radio audiences. Her responses are no-nonsense, predictable and leave no room for self-pity. In this book, Dr. Laura advocates giving up the excuses and whining and start living a useful and productive life. Whether it be your marriage or the things that your family did to you in the past, her advice is to suck it up and make the best of it. She admits that she wants to be the "kick in the pants" that we sometimes all need.

I have enjoyed some of Dr. Laura's other books but this one was very predictable. Still, we all have a tendency to think that our life is hard and that no one quite understands how tough we have it. Dr. Laura, in her simplistic way, reminds us that we have choices about how we handle our situations and how we deal with our emotions. Not a bad reminder, really.

Rating - 3 stars

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