Thursday, July 17, 2008


This is the story of a woman, who at 38 years of age, finds herself at 468 pounds and desperate to find a way to change her life. Her story is heartbreaking and the tales of her binges are nearly unbelievable. She admits that she ate to the point of nearly being comatose on a regular basis. Her description of her life as a fat person was hard to read, much less imagine. She tells of how hard it was to even get herself out of bed because she was nearly suffocating. When she finally decides to go to the Rice Clinic in Durham, NC to lose the weight, the story is just as hard to read. The reader suffers, too, as she describes her struggle to resist the foods she craves so much. When she does slip up, we can see it coming, but it isn't any easier to take. Finally, as Sue reaches a weight loss of 250 pounds, the reader is eagerly cheering her on.

This book was both sad and inspirational. At times, one wants to scream at the fat Sue about why she is so out of control and why she is making the choices that she does. It is also heartbreaking to think of how hard it is to live in the body of a 450 pound woman. Anyone who has struggled to diet and to avoid the foods that they love so much can relate to the struggles as she tries to change her life forever. Sue's choices of flawed men made me angry and I wanted to tell her to grow up as again and again she is disappointed by the expectations she has for her family members. Mostly, though, I came away inspired to keep moving, watch what I eat and keep battling. One comes to love Sue as she finally comes to love herself.

Rating - 4 stars

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