Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Annie and her brother William decide to go fishing on an afternoon when then are out early from school. They aren't very happy with their mom and her new boyfriend. On their way to the river, they witness a murder in the woods. The murders, who are four retired policemen, see the two kids and try to catch them. Luckily, Annie and William escape. They get picked up by a man who takes them to his home. Annie overhears a phone conversation and realizes that this man, too, is involved in the killings. She and her brother run away and find themselves in the barn of a ranch owned by Jess Rawlins. At first, Jess doesn't know if the kids story can be true and most importantly, who he can trust to keep them safe. As Jess comes to believe Annie and William, he tries to figure out who the good guys really are these days.

This is the first book I've read by C.J. Box. I had heard lots of good things about this stand-alone. Usually, I love a series but I thought this book was great. It was action-packed with plenty of twist and turns. It was easy to like Jess, Annie, William and the others in the story. The side story with Eduardo Villatorro was also well plotted. All in all, this was a book that I enjoyed from start to finish. I know that some people are pretty critical of some of Box's other books but I'm willing to give them a try!

Rating - 5 stars

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