Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lucia, Lucia

Lucia Sartori is a modern girl in 1951. She works downtown and has a career as a seamstress in the custom dress department at a famous store. She passes up the opportunity to marry Dante Dimetri because she knows that she will have to give up her career to live with her in-laws and help her fiance in the family business. Not much later, she meets her dream man, John Talbot. She and John fall in love and all seems to be well except that her Papa doesn't trust John. In the meantime, Lucia's life is filled with work and the excitement of living in a big Italian family.

I have loved everything that I have read by Adriana Trigiani and this is no exception. Lucia's story was filled with a warm and wonderful family. The presentation of the 1950's was a fun look to the past. Her descriptions of women's roles and the changes after the war were so entertaining and real through Lucia's life. It was also clever to have Lucia relating her story nearly 50 years later to the young playwright, Kate.

Rating - 5 stars

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