Monday, January 11, 2010

Wishin' and Hopin'

Felix Funicello is in 5th grade in Catholic grade school in the 1960's. His dad runs the diner at the bus depot and his mom is a finalist in the Pillsbury bake-off. School is pretty crazy, too. Sr. Dymphie is on leave after her breakdown and the substitute is a layperson who is determined to teach the class French. The new girl is from Russia and she isn't like the other girls in the class. Felix wants to know about the birds and the bees but his dad just says to be careful at the drinking fountain. Christmas will be here soon and the class is preparing for a Christmas pagent different than anything that's ever been seen before.

This was a fun and light-hearted read by Wally Lamb. It was a fun and light-hearted view of traditional Catholic school along with mean nuns and a warm and funny family. I enjoyed this quick holiday read.

Rating - 4.5 stars

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