Sunday, March 28, 2010


Stella Hardesty but up with her husband, Ollie's abuse, until one day when she couldn't take anymore. Now, she has a sideline business helping other women deal with men who are hurting them. Stella uses very unusual methods for getting the attention of men who need to start treating women better. She thought that she had gotten Roy Dean in line until his wife, Chrissy, come to Stella and tells her that Roy Dean has taken her son. Chrissy needs help getting her little boy back and Stella is the only one who has the capabilities to help her, even in the sherrif has his eye on Stella already.

This is the first book by Sophie Littlefield. It was very funny and a quick read. Not for the faint-hearted, though, as Stella is a tough gal who is certainly not a cozy character. Her descriptions of her abusive husband and all she has endured are hard to read but much of the rest of the book is hilarious as Stella gets her man to behave. The story is set in the Ozarks and there are certainly some hillbilly characters that are quite funny. I'll be looking forward to Sophie Littlefield's next installment in this series.

Rating - A

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