Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Diva Runs Out of Thyme

Sophie Winston is trying to get ready for a houseful of guests for Thanksgiving. First, though, she plans to win a big contest with her famous stuffing. Her rival is Natasha Smith, her childhood enemy and the woman her ex-husband is now living with. Unfortunately for Sophie, a private detective is found dead at the grocery store right after talking to Sophie. The next day, at the contest, the judge is found dead after he asks Sophie out in front of the other contestants. Sophie looks like she might be guilty of a double murder, so with the help of some friends, she sets out to find who the real murderer is.

This is the first in the series of domestic diva books by Krista Davis. I had heard lots of good things about it and decided to give it a try. I was glad I did. There are lots and lots of characters to keep straight and sometimes that added some confusion. Still, it was a fun book with a great protagonist in Sophie. I'll be trying more books in this series.

Rating - A-

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