Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Charlotte Swift, better known as Charlie, is the kind of person who likes to do things her own way. She has enjoyed running Swift Investigations as she likes and she has been pretty successful with her missing persons business. Her most recent case, though, is kind of strange. A woman claims that a baby was left on her doorstep with a note from the woman's daughter who she gave up for adoption at birth. Rather than being thrilled to be a grandmother, the woman is desperate to find her daughter and give the baby back. She wants Charlie to find the girl pronto! In the same week, Charlie's silent partner runs off with his girlfriend and his wife shows up, demanding to be a partner in the business. Charlie is frantic to send this woman back to the suburbs and her kids and have GiGi leave the business alone!

This seems to be the beginning of a new series by Laura DiSilverio. At first, Charlie seemed pretty tough and kind of unlikable but as the book went on, she seemed a little nicer. GiGi was a riot. She has a good heart but no experience as a private investigator. She bumbles her way along and somehow, in her ineptitude does just the right thing. Can't wait for the next installment. My only complaint was that at times this book just seemed to be setting things up for a series.

Rating - A-

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