Friday, June 10, 2011


Joe Pickett has been exiled to the outposts of Wyoming after his last encounter with the higher ups in Wyoming law when he let his friend, Nate escape. He is on the trail of someone who is killing animals at random when he gets a call that the girl who lived with his family and who he saw die in a fire has been texting his oldest daughter. Joe has always felt guilt that he didn't do more to save April. He just can't believer there is anyway she survived the terrible fire. Now, it seems that she may be with two men who are killing people as a way to balance out the earth's ecosystem.

Once again, C.J. Box and his character, Joe Pickett, provide high-octane drama and thrills. I liked this novel because even though Joe has his doubts about the case, he isn't feeling timid and remorseful as it seems in some of these books. I'll be looking forward to the next one!

Rating - A-

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