Friday, October 3, 2008


Dr. Vicky Bliss is contacted by an agency to be a guest lecturer on a luxury cruise. It sounds too good to be true. The reason they want Vicky is because of her experience in spying and espionage to provide security. In other words, she is a special agent. Imagine her surprise when her on again, off again, lover shows up - with his new wife. In the meantime, things are getting pretty crazy on the cruise. Vicky's houseboy is found murdered and she feels terrible. She can't figure out for sure who is on which side anyway. Most of all, she's keeping an eye on John, her ex-boyfriend, because he has a history of stealing precious Egyptian objects and she is sure he is scheming to do it again. In the end, this book is full of unpredictable twists and Vicky is chased, shot at, kidnapped and more in her struggle to stay alive - a sort out who the real thieves are.

I have enjoyed Elizabeth Peter's Amelia Peabody series and I have heard lots of good things about the Vicky Bliss books. This was not the first book in the series and I was pretty confused at times. I don't do well with lots of spy stuff and there was some history between the characters and their previous adventures that might have made this an easier read. Still, it was a wild and bumpy ride and I think I may be brave enough to try another before too long!

Rating - 3.5 stars

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