Tuesday, April 21, 2009


James and the other members of the Flab Five have strayed away from their diets and aren't too proud of it. When a new fitness instructor comes to town and convinces the group to join her fitness and weight loss program, James reluctantly goes along with his friends. He thinks that Ronni is just too perky and perfect for her own good. Still, he is just as surprised as everyone when he and his friends find her dead. Lucy is still trying to get on at the sherrif's department as a deputy and is determined to find the killer. James and the gang join in to help her. At the same time, it seems that James and Lucy may finally have a chance at a romance of their own.

This is the second in the Flab Five series by J.B. Stanley. I inadvertantly read the third one before this one. It was good to fill in the gaps. These books have been enjoyable reads. Quick and fun with characters that are very likeable. I am looking forward to more of James and the gang. This book was fun because James' father was less of a grouch than in the first book.

Rating - 4.5 stars

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